Health & Safety Policy Statement
1. It is the policy of Rocklawn Construction Ltd that its operations are conducted in a way as to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all employees at work, and all other persons who may be affected by its activities.
Rocklawn Construction Ltd regards the promotion of health and safety as a mutual objective for management and employees at every level. All Company personnel are issued with health and safety instructions that endeavour to identify all the risks and dangers that are likely to be encountered in the course of Rocklawn Construction Ltd’s work and set out precautionary measures.
2. Specific objectives are:-
Rocklawn Construction Ltd will do everything which is reasonably practicable to design, provide and maintain plant, equipment, protective clothing and systems of work which are safe and an environment which is without risk to health.
Rocklawn Construction Ltd will ensure that employees are properly informed, instructed and trained in the health and safety aspects of their work.
Rocklawn Construction Ltd will ensure accurate reporting and investigation of accidents & near misses with a view to achieving reductions in accident rates by the analysis of causes and trends.
Rocklawn Construction Ltd will encourage discussion and consultation with employees with a view to promoting and developing measures to ensure health and safety at work and to check the effectiveness of such measures.
Company management will employ Turner Safety Solutions to conduct monthly audits/inspections and establish action plans where improvements/opportunities are identified.
3. Compliance with statutory requirements and codes of practice is mandatory and employees are reminded of the legal obligation to ensure that they do not endanger the health and safety of others, that they co-operate with Rocklawn Construction Ltd in the respect of safety and that they do not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety.
Any failure of any person to carry out his responsibilities under this policy will be treated as a disciplinary matter.
Signed ................Denis O’Neill..............................................
DATE: 25/08/20
This policy will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that it remains up do date in respect of the legal requirements and good practice.